About Me

My photo
Irish, Geek, Hockey player. Loves Charity work, Spontaneity and a Challenge. Currently Conducting Academic Research into B2B Social Media use, more to follow...

Saturday 29 January 2011

A few edited snaps from my trip to cambodia


Sunday 23 January 2011

We've the whole world at our feet. It's up to us how we walk there.

Library. Where I spend most of my days at the mo.

Thursday 20 January 2011

The epitome of relaxation.

Kuroshio Sea - 2nd largest aquarium tank in the world - (song is Please don't go by Barcelona) from Jon Rawlinson on Vimeo.

I just had to upload this. I'm not a fan of aquariums but this video is memorizing. Give it some time to upload before you play, otherwise it won't be smooth. Make sure you full screen it, and if you can, put it on a large screen! I wish I could have this on loop and on my wall.

Also, I recommend the wallpaper:  bit.ly/​19rTC5

day two - a photo of yourself a year ago.

Perhaps not a year ago to the day, but this was me just over a year ago, a few days before new year whilst I was back home and out in Belfast with a few guys from school. Not sure if I've changed much from here looks-wise. My hair's a bit shorter I guess. But not much else!

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Day one of photo doofer

day one - your facebook profile photo.

A picture of me and my older Sister. We were so close growing up and after a few years of drifting apart slightly, we've made huge steps to being closer, especially over the christmas holidays. This was the day after boxing day, WKD was on offer, hence me drinking that and not my regular cider. (promise!)


 First of all, I have to say a huge sorry for fading majorly in my quest for a photo a day ! I got ill over christmas and newyear and subsequently forgot to take photos... and then kind of gave up. I have a few more to share mind you but will have to remember to upload them! So.. I'll probably just carry on the numbers as if nothing changed.

Anyhoo, new game for now! 

day one - your facebook profile photo.
day two - a photo of yourself a year ago.
day three - a photo of you.
day four - a photo of the last place you went on holiday.
day six - a photo that makes you laugh.
day seven - a photo of someone you love.
day eight - a photo of your best friends.
day nine - a photo of your family.
day ten - a photo of you as a baby.
day eleven - a drunk photo of you.
day twelve - a photo that makes you happy.
day thirteen - a photo of you standing up.
day fourteen - a photo of you at the last party you went to.
day fifteen - a photo of you and someone you love.