About Me

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Irish, Geek, Hockey player. Loves Charity work, Spontaneity and a Challenge. Currently Conducting Academic Research into B2B Social Media use, more to follow...

Monday, 14 February 2011

SCREW YOU Valentines Day. Screw you for making me feel that it's not OKAY to be single. Screw you for dragging up memories of past arguments and heart breaks, of money splashing and silly mistakes. Screw you, my profession, for creating a purely commercialised monolith, benefiting from relationship tensions and far fetched ideas. I ask you this, how many relationships have you broken rather than mended? How many lonely hearts have you made even lonelier? Well you know what, SCREW YOU Valentine's Day and singling everybody out. I LOVE EVERYBODY. Happy every day xx

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

"What did you want to be when you were younger?"

I wanted to be many things. I spent most of my childhood dreaming I was a power ranger, but I couldn't write that in my class book so I just lied and said 'nurse' because my Mum was one. 

When I reached double figures I wanted to be a vet, because I loved animal hospital (Rolf harris not so much) but then when I  watched vets in practice, I found out just how many years that  would take, so I decided against that. 

During the  years after, I went from graphic designer, to interior designer, to law, to engineer, to product designer, to architect, back to engineer, and then finally decided on a role in business. 

(If I'm honest I'd still love to be that White Power Ranger though.. )